Your student visa requires you to maintain a full time study load in each study period. You have approximately 20 hours of study time per week. Classes run across seven days and between 7:30am and 10:30pm. You will generally be expected to attend college, three days a week for around seven hours per day. Please see the student handbook for more information
One of the conditions of your student visa is that you provide us with your residential address upon arrival in Australia and update it within 7 days whenever you change it.. It is your responsibility to always make sure that BIT has your current address. so that any letters regarding your academic performance can be sent to you, this is also an integral part of the ESOS regulations
You must maintain satisfactory course progress for each study period (a study period is usually 12 weeks for BIT courses). A student is deemed to have unsatisfactory course progress if they fail more than 50% of units in two consecutive study periods, in which case it might result into the student being reported to Department of Home affairs, which could further result into cancellation of his/her visa.
At the time of applying your student visa, you are required to have access to sufficient funds to
support your study and life in Australia.
If you do not adhere to your payment plans and miss on your fee payments BIT may cancel your
enrolment and notify the Department of Home affairs for further action.
Most student visas allow you to bring your family members to Australia as your dependants. As a prospective international student, you are required to enrol any of your school-age dependants in Australian government or non-government schools and pay full fees for their study. You will also need to provide OSHC membership for your family. Please check with department of home affairs about bringing your family as there are certain restrictions depending on the assessment level of your country.